I love my followers.
I am thrilled each time I check my blog and there is someone new. In the last few months the number has been increasing and just yesterday we made it to 50! 
This may not seem like much to you, but to me it is a big thing, and I'm sure that some of you can remember those first small numbers.
Anyway to celebrate, I want to do a giveaway.
Like in my last giveaway, I will give you a few choices.
Maybe one of you would like a vintage bedspring and folding ruler. There are so many uses for these. Or a couple of these pillows made out of old sugar/flour sacks to decorate with.
Or perhaps one of these vintage swim locker baskets? Very cute and useful.
You choose.
To enter this giveaway , it is easy, just...
1. Comment to let me now that you are a follower. If you are not a follower, please go back and become one and then comment.
2. To have a better chance of winning, leave another comment, telling what one of the items you would like to win.
3. To have even more of a chance of winning, blog about this giveaway and leave still another comment telling me that you have done so.
**Do all three to increase your chances of winning!**
The more comments the better.
This is going to be a lot of fun!
This giveaway will end Thursday, May 26th. The winner will be announced Friday, May 27th.
Hurry and go enter now!
Terry (one of the bricoleurs)