In my travels I came across this.
It sat like this for several months before I got brave enough to open it.
The best I could figure out was that Mr. Peter W. Allen of the Signal Brigade mailed this Parcel Post to himself.
Same name on return address.
It cost him $0.95 cents in 1967!
I bravely unwrapped the paper. There were several layers of brown paper, wrapped in string and under that several layers of some type of tar/wax paper. You see, one of my friends had said that there could be bugs or droppings inside. My mother-in-law was hoping that there was money! You never know...
Well there was no money, but there were also no bugs or droppings. Just beautiful fabric. Now I was dying to find out what kind. It looks sort of like linen or muslin.
I was envisioning slipcovers, pillows or recovering something.
Pretty Huh?
About 45 yards.
So, I went to my favorite little quilt shop in town. The lady there is very knowledgable, she said that it is raw silk.
I am still so amazed that this mysterious package stayed in such good shape all these years!
I love the thrill of the hunt, especially when you find a treasure like this!
I wonder what I will find next!!!
Terry (one of the bricoleurs)