
Friday, January 18, 2013

Unique & Useful Finds at The Vintage Bricoleur

The Vintage Bricoleur offers a variety of unique and useful finds for your decorating needs.  Being the practical person that I am, I am always looking for items that can be both pretty and at the same time serve a purpose.

(Noun) French:
One who makes creative and resourceful use 
of whatever materials are at hand
 regardless of their original purpose.

How about a vintage door with a mirror in it for a backdrop to a dresser?  Or a basket to hold a collection of silver plate?

Pretty old jars are great for storing food in the pantry or for organizing threads and buttons in the craft room.

A chippy ladder is an excellent plant stand, works well for a book shelf, or quilt rack.

A metal stand paired with some primitive bead board make a perfect side table.

A long wood box with shelves built in to it is a great bookcase or display for small spaces.

This metal headboard/footboard hung side-by-side on the wall would be a great headboard for a bigger bed.  Love the color!

These rolls of burlap are so pretty draped around a window or used as a table runner.

Come get your "bricoleur" shirt.  Available at the store, both in Men & Women styles.

 Have these photos inspired you to use something similar in your home?  Do you need something like this to complete a project?  Did you come up with a different idea than what I suggested?
Please share what you are thinking.  I love comments. :)

Visit us:
3750 Taylor Road
Loomis, Ca. 95650
Inside the High Hand  fruit sheds.

Tuesday-Saturday 10 -5
Sunday 10-4

Follow us on Facebook!

Terry (one of the bricoleurs)

1 comment:

  1. We love using our wide mouth jars for glasses in the summer too! Great post Terry, as always. See you soon! Need to pick up that wreath!!!! Sandy - The Olive and Rose


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